Wednesday, 1 January 2014

2014 Goals

I love the idea of a new year. The idea of being able to draw a line under all the drama, pain and crap and start again. But it's not all about looking forward and dismissing the past year. I like to look at what I'm proud of, the things I did or the places I went. The memories made with loved ones that you can't just draw a line under.

2013 was rough for me if I'm honest but I was also very lucky. After losing a job I was able to get another one closer to home, I went to New York, Morocco and Glastonbury. I am so proud of my photography and how far I've come with it! 

I'm not one to make resolutions but I do have a few goals or ideas I want to keep in mind for 2014. Some are personal development things and there are a few that are achievements I'd like to have accomplished:

1: Care less about what others think. I hold too much back of myself because I worry constantly about what other people will think of me. Time for a change there!

2: Spend more time with loved ones. Life is too short for "oh I'll call them at some point". Just do it. 

3: Take more photographs of my life. Not just landscapes but things I do with people that I want to remember. 

4: Pass my driving test. It's been over a year since I last drove. Time to get back behind the wheel.

5: Be more positive. Good and bad things happen all the time and I want to highlight the good. I've downloaded the Gratitude 365 app where you log positive things that happen that day and a picture to go alongside it. I hope this will help keep me on the straight and narrow!! 

6: Read at least a book a month. I love reading but never seem to fit it in so Ill be swapping a little bit of Netflix for picking up a good book.

I plan to do updates on here every so often to see how I'm doing so be sure to subscribe to me on Bloglovin to keep up to date!

What are your 2014 goals?

See you soon,



  1. Good for you, I'm terrible I really need to not hold back ! Other people dont hold back with me they are just rude to me ! Thanks

  2. I'm so totally with you on setting goals instead of resolutions. I wrote about it in my latest blog post, have a look if you like :)
    I also hold back which is not good all the time, so working on it, one way to be more comfortable with it is to become more knowledgable and I'm working on that!

  3. Such great goals! So pleased to have found your bloggo!
