Monday, 12 November 2012

A Million Miles An Hour

Sometimes it feels like life is moving that quickly. One minute I'm thinking about where to best take pictures and next thing I know I'm out and about and barely have enough time to change before Im doing something else!

I have taken a few more pictures which I've included below but there will be a tonne more after my week off next week so stay tuned!!


Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Spring Forward, Fall Back

The title of this post is more of a reminder to myself than anything else! I never remember to change the clocks and end up feeling like a fool when I wake up an hour earlier than I need to!

Anyway, I've been going back over my pictures and found some that just needed a little tweaking to make them perfect!

Remember, if you like them just head to my Etsy page to get one!

Have a great rest of your week!


Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Autumn Colours

I'm not sure these pictures need words.
The colours of the leaves were just amazing and the sun was shining through making them more beautiful.

I hope you like them:

Many of my photographs are for sale in my Etsy shop so why not check it out?


Saturday, 13 October 2012

Out and About

Today was a beautiful autumn day so we took the pups for a lovely walk crunching through the leaves.
I, of course, took my camera and snapped up a storm!
Here are my favourites:

^^ This one is my favourite of the lot ^^

I tried to mess around with Photoshop a bit here just because the butterflies were so pretty they had to be the centre of attention! 

I've said it before and I'll say it again - I love having my camera, playing around with it and learning all the new tricks! 

Many of my photographs are for sale in my Etsy shop so why not check it out?

Hope you're having a great weekend 


Sunday, 7 October 2012


I do love my DSLR don't get me wrong but sometimes I just don't want to lug it around with me everywhere. This is where Instagram comes in. My phone has a really great camera on it but I just love the effects Instagram has.

I don't tend to get too arty with it and just take pictures of the dogs and random things I see as you will find out below!

If you want to follow me I'm @hordlc1 and if you want to share your Instagram I'd love to take a peek!

Many of my photographs are for sale in my Etsy shop so why not check it out?


Friday, 5 October 2012

Nothing too Flashy

As you may have read I got a nifty new camera for my birthday in August and since then I have been spending a lot of time taking as many pictures as possible to practice and hopefully get some nice shots.
It's such a good thing to do if you havent got much money as you can just pack up your camera, put on some comfy shoes (or cute wellies) and go wherever the urge takes you and snap away!

Here are some of the pictures I've snapped recently:

I'm so please with how these ones have turned out despite my clear lack of knowledge on how to use all the manual settings!

I've poured over various blogs on photography tips trying to soak up as much as I can but the two that stuck with me are:
1) Take as many pictures as you can, one shot of something might not be the best so try different angles etc
2) Turn off the flash.

Ill share more of my pictures with you as I take them and if you like any of them why not head over to my Etsy shop where you can purchase one?

Hope you have a great weekend!

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Its been a while...

But here I am, back again!

So as you might have noticed, I don't post all that frequently which is silly as I always have lots of ideas but there we go! I am going to be making more of an effort to put more content on this lil ol blog of mine!

As I have posted before I got a snazzy new camera so a lot of the posts Ill be doing will be very picture heavy while Im trying to work this thing out!

I am loving the quality of the pictures and like that I can have a lot more control over the image than I would if I used my little digital camera.

Take a look at what Ive done recently:

Like I said, I'm just starting out trying to use this thing but I think I'm doing ok (with the tinyest little help from Photoshop!)
I'd love any feedback or comments on the pictures as I'm always looking to improve.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!