Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Positivity Posts. Part One

As you may have seen from my last post, one of my New Years resolutions was to be more positive and I thought I would share a few posts on how I plan to do it.

My main reason for this resolution is that I didn't have the best year last year. At all. But I also had some amazing experiences and helped me realise what I value and care about the most. Thats what I wanted to focus on.
The good things in life. No matter how small.

One of the easiest ways for me to start actively being more positive was by downloading the Gratitude 365 app. The idea is that every day you log something, or several things that have had a positive impact on you that day. It can be anything as small as someone giving you a smile as you walk past. Just as long as you acknowledge that something positive has happened to you that day. You can also include a picture of something for that day (which would also help if you are doing a picture 365 project!)

Im really enjoying using this so far, especially on days when nothing amazing happens and it really makes you think and acknowledge the little things.

I really hope that I can keep this little app updated for the full year and that, after a little while, it will just become part of my daily routine and continue to bring a little more happiness to my day.

Do you have any similar resolutions?

See you soon,


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